Breaking News

The Benton Utilities Electric Department will begin work constructing a new powerline on Highway 5 North between E. Longhills Road and Salem Road starting Monday, July 11, 2016.  Crews will be directing traffic to accommodate the construction during the day Monday thru Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

At one time or another, every Benton Utility customer has come to the Benton Municipal Complex (also known as City Hall), to conduct business concerning their utility services with Benton Utilities.  As our city and customer base grows, so does our need for space to handle the customer service and billing offices.  We have enjoyed being in our current location these last almost 17 years but we simply need more space to conduct business.  Our current drive-through window access has insufficient room to accommodate more than 3 cars.  There are often traffic jams on East Street due to the stac

5/25/16 - Benton Utilities Electric Crew is on site off Congo Road at the Crystal Hills Apartments (formerly known as Summerwood Apartments) where a garbage truck snagged a line, broke a pole and caused an outage. They will rebuild this line and install a new pole this afternoon. However, residents in the area will experience an outage during the time of the repairs. We are hoping to have the repairs completed by 4:00 or 4:30 PM this afternoon.

May 16, 2016

JOB CLASSIFICATION:  Water Treatment Utility Worker

The Benton Utilities Water Treatment Department is accepting applications for the above position. A job description outlining job responsibilities and qualifications is attached.  

This is to notify you that on Tuesday night, May 10, 2016, the water main supplying water to the following areas was compromised, and these customers are now included in a precautionary boil order, the area includes:  All customers in the Dogwood Lakes Apartment Complex as well as the Sonic on Highway 5 North in Benton.  The water supply was interrupted for approx. eight hours while the Benton Utilities Water Distribution Department completed their work there.

Benton Utilities is currently taking applications in the Water Distribution Department. Job function is to assist in the maintenance, repair, and construction of the water distribution system of the City. Requirements are high school education or equivalent, a valid Arkansas Driver’s License, ability to perform heavy physical labor, and ability to pass a Basic Distribution class & obtain Class B CDL. Interested persons may obtain applications and a complete job description at Benton Utilities Complex, 1827 Dale Ave., Benton, AR.

On-Line Bill Pay will be unavailable on Wednesday, April 20, 2016, from 12 am – 6 am CST.  AT&T Network Engineers will be performing a planned maintenance, and their goal is to successfully complete the task and restore service within the stated time frame.

Benton Utilities is currently seeking qualified candidates for the position of General Manager.  Responsibilities include management, planning, administrating, and overseeing the affairs of Benton Utilities.  Salary based on education & experience.  Submit resume and/or application via mail to Mollie Wright, Benton Utilities, 1827 Dale Ave., Benton, AR 72015 or via email to

Benton Utilities would like to advise customers to only use our website for payments to us.  This link can be easily accessed by visiting and clicking on the “Pay Your Bill” link on the left side of the page. 

The on-line bill pay will not be available this evening from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. for maintenance.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.


Benton Utilities | 1827 Dale Avenue | Benton, AR 72015

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