Benton Utilities Slowly Re-Opening Office to Customers

After being closed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic for almost two months, the Benton Utilities Customer Services Office is re-opening their doors to customers again starting today. In an effort to better accommodate those customers who need to visit us in person to establish service or open a new account, we will allow two customers at a time inside our facilities. We ask that each customer practice their social distancing while inside, utilize masks and gloves if possible and apply hand sanitizer upon arrival and departure of our facilities.

We will continue to be available via phone for support, and our drive-thru will remain open. If you usually visit our office to pay your bill, we ask that you continue to utilize the drive-thru or payment dropbox. When dropping off a payment, it would be very helpful if customers could have their statement stub and payment in the return envelopes with the flap tucked in. Please, DO NOT SEAL BY LICKING THE ENVELOPE. We are also currently taking credit card payments via the phone at this time, just call us and we will assist you as quickly as possible. In addition, we have multiple online and phone options. As always, our customer care team is ready to help at 501-776-5923.

If you are wanting to establish new service with Benton Utilities, and have web access, please visit There, you will find the information and forms you can download to establish services with Benton Utilities. You will need to provide the items listed, as well as the completed application to expedite the process as much as possible. This information can be faxed to: 501-776-5918 or emailed to: If you do not have access to the internet, you can call us, and our customer service representatives will fill out the form with you and process your services that way, or you can visit our office where you can fill out the form and turn it in while there.

We appreciate your patience and support and remain proud to be your hometown electric, water and wastewater utility.

Benton Utilities | 1827 Dale Avenue | Benton, AR 72015

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